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Expertise And Confidentiality Policy

Expertise And Confidentiality Policy


Our ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 17100:2015 certifications, coupled with 20+ years of translation industry experience, ensure thorough, efficient, well-documented project management from start to finish. Our three-step quality control process includes editing by a second qualified translator in addition to our final in-house quality review to ensure that your delivered project is error-free and meets your high standards.

Confidentiality Policy:

For JS Translations, ensuring the confidentiality of client information is paramount. Our clients require the utmost confidentiality and expect us to keep their documents, personal correspondence, and business materials secure. Confidentiality is a top priority for all of our translators, project managers, and staff, bound by strict rules of confidentiality in the performance of our services and adhering to all existing international, federal or state laws or acts concerning confidentiality. We provide an additional level of protection with on-site security.

That’s why it is fundamental for JS Translations to follow the practice of using a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) in its operations.

Backup and storage of the client’s history:

 At JS Translations, we use robust servers that, when synchronized with translation tools, run real-time backups of the work, thus eliminating the risk of losing any information in the event of mishap.

Additionally, after the translation is completed and delivered, the files are stored in a secure environment, facilitating traceability of documents, your terminological preferences and translation memories for future projects.